Apple MacOS 10.15 Catalina

October 07, 2019

computer imageApple will be releasing MacOS 10.15 Catalina sometime in October. ITS strongly recommends NOT updating your Mac at this time because this latest operating system will not support 32-bit applications. ITS also recommends delaying new Mac purchases for a short time while we clarify compatibility with campus services and standard software. Please check this webpage to see when it’s been tested and okay to use.

The main issues with Catalina are around software compatibility and security:

  • No support for 32-bit applications (campus Payroll System)
  • Several campus services not compatible including Jamf and TeamViewer. Vendors are preparing an update soon.

If you are unsure how Catalina would affect your Mac, please contact the ITS Support Center (459-HELP) or your local ITS technician.