Google Calendar Training and Documentation

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Support for Google Calendar including self-service assistance and how to complete key tasks including scheduling Zoom meetings, creating reminders, and sharing calendards.    


For frequently asked questions about using Google Calendar, navigate to:

For frequently asked questions about using Google Calendar at UC Santa Cruz, navigate to:

UC Santa Cruz Community Support

Google Calendar how-tos

Get started with Google Calendar

Schedule events

It’s easy to schedule one-time activities, such as conferences, as well as recurring events, such as staff meetings. When you receive an invitation to an event, you can let everyone know if you're attending with a single click.

Create reminders

To remember something on your to-do list, add a personal reminder.

Share and view calendars

Share your calendar with coworkers, family, and friends so they can easily see when you're available. You can look at other people’s calendars to do the same.

Customize your calendar

You can customize your calendar to match the way you work.

Mobile Devices and Syncing

Google Resource Calendars

A Google Resource Calendar is usually a meeting/conference room. Other examples might include projectors, department fleet cars, guest offices, recreation equipment, or any other resource people might schedule a time to use. The calendar owner is able to share the resource with specific people, manage the access permissions, get notifications, and modify the resource's settings. 

If you would like to request a Zoom room or a Zoom compatible device, please work with your local ITS specialist to submit the form below.