
Gradescope is a tool designed to streamline and standardize paper-based, digital, and code assignments. It supports problem sets and projects as well as worksheets, quizzes, exams, and papers. Students can upload pen-and-paper problem sets to be graded by an instructor or teaching assistant in an easy online interface that also allows for on-the-fly rubric creation and feedback.

With Gradescope, instructors can create more consistent grading across students and sections. Also, students receive more consistent feedback. This third-party tool augments the assignment, quizzing and grading tools available in Canvas, addressing more advanced needs in courses where the standard tools are not sufficient.

Gradescope supports a wide range of assignment types including:

Instructors use Gradescope in remote, hybrid, and face-to-face courses. Learn about instructors' experiences and how easy it is to get started - even in the middle of the term.

Review these webinars for more detailed information about creating Gradescope assignments:

  • Handwritten Exams: covers assignment creation, uploading and managing scans, matching names, building rubrics and grading
  • Bubble Sheets: covers creating assignment, marking answer key, uploading scans, matching names and grading submissions
  • Programming Assignments demo (starts at 32 minutes)


Integrating Gradescope in your Course

In Fall 2023, UCSC upgraded to Gradescope LTI 1.3. Now Gradescope assignments should be connected to Canvas through a Canvas assignment.

To create a new Gradescope assignment in Canvas, you can select the Gradescope tool option in the Course Assignments menu in Canvas, as shown below. 


You can also select Gradescope as an external tool in Canvas assignment settings:gradescope_externaltool.png 

If you have used Gradescope in the past and want to migrate your assignments to a new course, please see this guide to duplicating courses and assignments.

If you are a new Gradescope user and would like assistance setting up Gradescope assignments, please come to Virtual Office Hours or email