ITS Staff Directory

Xiao Li

Summary of Expertise

member of humanities computing team, provides digital humanities research, instruction, and web consultation to employees and students, supervises digital humanities projects of the humanities division, implements IT solutions to meet academic objectives. Strong education professional with a Doctor of Philosophy - PhD focused on Asian diasporas to Americas.


Certified Carpentries instructor (Python)

Digital Humanities Lecturer at UC Berkeley

H-Asia Editor

Research Interests

digital humanities, Asian American history, gender history.

Honors, Awards and Grants

UC Santa Cruz Staff Appreciation & Recognition (STAR) Award


D. Kim Foundation of History of Science and Technology in East Asia, Conference/Workshop Grant


2019-2020 Research Fellow of Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine


Library Company of Philadelphia/Drexel University College of Medicine Legacy Center Fellowship in the History of Women and Medicine (joint fellowship)



Teaching Interests

digital humanities, Asian diasporas