You're Invited to the HPC Discussion Series 
The High-Performance Computing (HPC) discussion series is open to all UCSC instructors, researchers, staff, and students.
Each series will include a special topic of interest designed to educate current and new users on HPC basics, how-to’s, best practices, time for open discussion, and Q&A.
May 4, 2023 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM (PST)
The Hummingbird Roadmap
Hummingbird is growing! In 2022, the high-performance computing cluster, Hummingbird, was awarded $160,000.00 for upgrades and additional capabilities, such as additional high-memory computational nodes and a multi-petabyte parallel file system, supported by a greatly improved network data plane operating at 400Gbps. These upgrades position Hummingbird to transition from a small (but powerful) Linux cluster to a scalable high-performance computing system. We will also present the “Condo Model” as a method to expand the cluster to specialized uses for individual researchers and their labs. In this 30-minute presentation, we will share the details of these improvements and discuss the future of Hummingbird as a critical resource for our community.
Date: Thursday May 4, 2023, 1:00pm - 1:30pm.