Senti-Merriman Award 2018

June 14, 2018

Ryan Schouweiler

Senti-Merriman Award Recipient for 2018

The Senti-Merriman award for 2018 goes to ITS Residential Network (ResNet) student technician, Ryan Schouweiler!

This award is sponsored by the National ResNet Organization in recognition of providing outstanding IT service and support to the campus community. The award includes a scholarship that pays for Ryan to travel to Colorado and attend the annual ResNet conference.

Ryan’s been working for ResNet for two years and was promoted last year to lead technician. He was instrumental in the testing and tuning of ResWiFi (ResNet wireless service) in preparation for its implementation last fall quarter. Ryan also gave a ResWiFi and network television presentation to Colleges, Housing and Educational Services (CHES) leadership that contributed to their buy-in to the ResWiFi upgrade as part of TIU project. He’s graduating next week with a computer science degree.

Way to go Ryan!

Read more about the award: