How to copy files between UCSC accounts
How to copy a file from a friend's UCSC account.
How to copy a file from a friend's UCSC account.
There are several ways copy a file from a friend's account into your own.
I. Mail it.
Your friend mails the file to you. This works best with text files. The friend logs into a UNIX/Athena server such as
% mail < filenameII. Copy from a readable directory
- Your friend creates, a readable directory for you
% fs setacl [nameofdirectory] [yourusername] read - Your friend copies the file to this directory
% cp filename nameofdirectory/filename - You copy the file to your own directory
% cp /cats/friendsname/directory/filename filename
III. Downloading from your friends web space
If you don't know how to use unix, you copy the file via your web browser.
- Your friend copies the file into the public_html of his/her UCSC account
- Your friend tells you the URL, in the form of
- You set your web browser to this URL and copy the file.