Connecting to

This service ( has been discontinued. No new sites will be added. Support for existing users will continue for a limited time. Please see our current web hosting options.

If you are looking for a place to create your own personal UCSC website, ITS has a WordPress service called SlugSites. Any UCSC affiliate with a CruzID can use this service. We recommend this service.

University-hosted personal web pages may not be used for commercial or political purposes, nor for distribution of copyrighted materials. For more information, see UCSC Web Policies. 

1. Prior to the proceeding...

  1. You must have a Cruz ID account and know your username and password.

  2. You must be able to write your own web pages with HTML or using an HTML editor.

  3. You should know how to use a secure file transfer protocol client (SFTP) or know how to configure your HTML editor to upload to your site.

  4. Ensure you are connected to the UCSC Campus VPN network.
    1. UCSC's Campus VPN Overview
    2. Instructions for Installing UCSC "Campus" VPN

2. Upload/Download your pages to the server

After you have created your web page files, you will need an SFTP client, e.g. FileZilla, etc., to access your personal file space and upload your files. You must use the SFTP protocol, not FTP. 

Connecting to the Web Server

To connect to the server where your web pages will be stored, your SFTP software will need the following information:
    User name:  UCSC ID (use your UCSC email login)
    Port Number: 22
    Authentication Method:  CruzID Gold Password
    Directory: /home/"insert-your-cruzid"/public_html, e.g. (/home/gardnert/public_html)

Download the files from the public_html directory.

Edit your files with an HTML editor, e.g. TextEdit, NotePad++, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, etc.

Upload files to the public_html directory. Do not change or delete the standard files and directories in your root directory (.cache, .config, welcome, etc.)

If you delete, change the permissions on, or move your public_html directory, your web page will not work, so use caution with this folder.

If there is no public_html directory, contact the Support Center.

3. View your pages

If you name your home page file "index.html", the URL for your website will be:[ucsc_id]
For example, if your email address is, the URL for your website will be:

(If you name your home page file something other than "index.html" you will need to specify the name of that file at the end of your URL. For example.