Sundry-Functional Account Holder Action eduroam moves to Gold password Aug. 11

As referenced in the ITS announcement to campus, the eduroam wireless service is moving to the CruzID Gold password authentication on August 11, 2021. If you are a Sundry-Functional account holder, there is action required on your part. 


  • You will need to change the CruzID Gold password that is set for your Sundry-Functional account by August 11. See instructions below.

If the Gold password isn’t changed by August 10th, eduroam access will be disrupted for that account until a Gold password reset occurs. Whether or not you are using eduroam for your Sundry-Functional account, a Gold password reset is still required. 

Here's why:

  1. Having the same Gold and Blue password lowers information security defense.
  2. During 2021/2022 other Blue password services will be migrating to Gold password. Making this change now will reduce rework and will ultimately simplify transition, reduce risk of service interruptions, and protect the account from potential obscure technical errors in the future.
  3. Technical reason: Many Identity Management systems for campus services will require that a user's CruzID account is in AU (Gold Active Directory). If a user is not in Gold AU, they will not be able to successfully access those services in the future. The only way to securely provision users into AU is to require that they reset their Gold password.


To change the Gold Password for a Sundry-Functional Account: 

Sign in to CruzID Manager at with the Sundry-Functional Account CruzID and the existing Gold password for that account.
  1. Once signed in, select Gold Password 
  2. Enter the existing Gold password
  3. Enter new Gold Password
  4. Confirm Gold Password
  5. You’re done



For information about UCSC password strength and security standards, including tips for creating strong passwords and storing them securely, visit:

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