Campus Notification Instructions

Here are instructions on how to update your Campus Notification information. For additional information about the Campus Notification system, visit

Update CruzAlert

Log in to CruzID Manager with your CruzID and Gold password. 

Once logged in, you will see the main CruzID Manager page. 

Click on the Campus Notification section. 

To update your Campus Notification information, fill in the fields in the

Campus Notification section in CruzID Manager. 


Campus email address is a required field.

The other fields are optional. 

To update your local residence information, fill in the following fields under the

Campus Notification section in CruzID Manager. 

Supplying your local residence information is optional, but it's a good idea to have on file in case UCSC emergency personnel need to locate you at home in the event of an emergency in your surrounding area. 

Make sure to click UPDATE when you are finished making your changes.