Lecture Capture Service

The Lecture Capture service (formerly named webcast) records what the projector is displaying along with the audio from the instructor’s microphone. There is an option to also include the feed from a camera that is pointed at the front of the room. Lecture Capture recording should be scheduled at least one hour before class time.


  • Record any course or event in a general assignment classroom.
  • Capture the projector and audio feed, with the option to request a camera feed of the whiteboard/blackboard and instructor area. The cameras are positioned to record only the instructor and whiteboard/blackboard area in the front of the room. Incidental recording of other people is possible if they move into or through that area.
  • Rooms with greater than 50-person occupancy include a lapel microphone in the media drawer which unlocks when the media system is logged into, or in the right-hand drawer in the lectern. Clip the microphone onto your shirt, put a battery from the battery charger into the mic's bodypack and turn it on. In rooms with 50-person occupancy or less, there are microphones in the ceiling that will pick up all voices in the room. 
  • Access the recordings through YuJa and Canvas.

What this service DOES provide:

  • A recording of any source that passes through the powered-on Classroom Media System in any "lecture capture-equipped" general assignment classroom on the UCSC campus, including installed computers, laptop computers connected to the system, document camera, video sources (DVD), wired microphone.

What this service DOES NOT provide:

  • Recording of students in the classroom unless they move into or through the area that is being recorded (image recorded), or speak audibly (voice recorded). 
  • A live-stream of the class; instead, a recording is made available after the class ends and may be accessed via Yuja and Canvas. 

Schedule the Service (for Instructors Only)

  • Courses are captured only with the permission of the course instructor. You must specifically request Lecture Capture be scheduled for your class. Schedule Lecture Capture.
  • The service records lectures and presentations and makes the recordings available for viewing online. The service does not live-stream. Recordings are available only to the students and instructors enrolled in each class. Online viewing requires:
    • A broadband Internet connection
    • A compatible platform (Windows or Mac)
    • A compatible browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari)
    • Access to YuJa, either directly or through Canvas
  • Lecture Capture recordings are saved to My Media page and published to the Course Channel in the YuJa Media Management system, unless the instructor specifically sets the recordings to not auto-publish when scheduling. Learn more about access and storage of Lecture Capture recordings.
    • Recordings remain available to instructors. 
  • Discussion sections may be scheduled for recording by the course instructor of record. Recordings are managed through the account of the instructor of record. Learn more about Discussion Sections in Lecture Capture.

Recording of Students

Instructors should advise students when recording is happening. Notify students that they can pose their questions after class or during office hours if they don't want their voices recorded. It is important to advise the students in advance that the recordings are occurring and that they have an alternative means to allow for questions. With these notifications, they should have a reduced expectation of privacy.

Get Help

If you have questions about Lecture Capture, create an online request ticket or email help@ucsc.edu