Data Privacy Month is an international effort held annually from Jan. 28 - Feb. 28 to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust. We should implement secure data privacy practices everyday, and the following tips will help you own your online presence!
Complete the following steps and take this survey to enter in a giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card! Must be a UCSC affiliate to be eligible. Giveaway ends February 28, 2020.TAKE ACTION by completing one of these steps to own your online presence and take this survey for a chance to win prizes:
- Perform a GOOGLE SECURITY and PRIVACY CHECKUP here: https://its.ucsc.edu/google/security.html
- Check share settings of Google Drive folders and shared drives:
- Especially if sensitive content is stored
- Consider individuals who have left the team/unit/campus
- See Share and collaborate here: https://its.ucsc.edu/google/drive.html
- Perform a security Check for Google Groups:
Owning your online presence is actively managing privacy and security, and staying current with new ways to stay safe online.
- Share with care
- Think before posting about yourself and others online. Consider what a post reveals, who might see it and how it could be perceived now and in the future.
- Be aware of your privacy settings. The default settings of these core Google Apps is as follows:
- Calendar - entire UCSC domain can see all event details
- Drive - private, until you choose to share
- Sites - private, until you choose to share
- Groups - private to the group
- Hangouts - private, and can choose to turn off history
- Ensure that location settings are turned on only while apps are in use
- Turn off location tracking history, which is a separate setting that most folks don’t realize
Consider implementing these 14 ways to protect your digital privacy.