Gender Recognition and Lived Name: Technology Updates

Work is in progress to reflect lived names in UC Santa Cruz technology systems by June 30, 2024.

Technology systems at UC Santa Cruz will soon display your lived name, or the name you want to be known by that may be different from your legal name.

Information Technology Services (ITS) is working to update technology platforms at UC Santa Cruz to ensure that accurate lived names are collected, displayed, and utilized in all campus interactions. This page reflects the ongoing implementation of the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy (GRLN) across campus and will be updated to reflect progress made.

These updates focus on lived name recognition given that ITS does not currently share gender when you log into UC Santa Cruz technology platforms. Gender identity information provided in MyUCSC and UCPath is only used for reporting in those systems currently. 

What to expect during the policy implementation

The technology landscape at UC Santa Cruz is broad and complex. The university is working towards solutions to ensure that lived names appear for all students, employees, alumni and affiliates across all university systems by June 30, 2024. In the meantime, separate updates are required for many systems, not all systems are available for updating yet, and processes and timelines may differ across groups.

If you have any questions or feedback about this process during implementation, please contact the GRLN Steering Committee at To report an issue of a possible violation of the GRLN policy, please submit this form.

Please note that some platforms may not reflect lived names immediately after a change is made. The timeline of changes may vary across campus systems and services.

Expected milestones for major technology platforms

April 18, 2024:

  • Technology platforms using Single Sign-On (SSO, or Shibboleth) begin displaying lived name rather than legal name.

January 28th, 2024: 

  • CruzID creation for new students begins to be sourced from lived name. 
  • MyUCSC begins displaying lived names for students. Lived names also begin appearing in Gmail, Canvas, Xfinity, and Eduroam for students.

Additional milestones will be added.

Managing Your Name and Identity Data at UC Santa Cruz

Learn how to update your personal information across technology systems at UC Santa Cruz in this guide.