Work Remotely Checklist

Select a Space

  • Establish a dedicated space to work. It should be ergonomically suitable and free from distractions including animals, kids, or other adults.
  • Ensure Internet and telephone connectivity is sufficient to support communication and access.

Equipment, Network, and Collaboration Tools Setup

  • You may take home and use university computer equipment at your remote working location with the approval of your supervisor. All such items remain the property of the university and need to be returned to the university once remote working has ended.
  • Identify the equipment you need to do your job (e.g. laptop, headset, camera).
  • Secure your home wireless network.
  • Set up remote collaboration tools (e.g.Zoom (Recommended), Google Hangouts, Slack).
  • Install and set up the Campus VPN.
  • Determine if you’ll need access to department shared drives.
  • Move important documents to cloud storage (e.g., Google Drive).


  • Practice Safe Computing while working remotely.
  • Never download personally identifiable information, sensitive FERPA information, health information, or other confidential information to your personal device.

Retrieve and Receive Voicemail From Offsite

Maintain Communication with Your Supervisor

  • Obtain approval from your supervisor for your work schedule.
  • Schedule a daily check-in with your supervisor via a video Zoom session or at a minimum by phone to ask questions, communicate issues, establish priorities, and share face-to-face time.
  • Continue to hold meetings and participate in department meetings via a video Zoom session or at a minimum by conference call.
  • Learn to use Google Drive to share documents and collaborate with your supervisor and co-workers.

UCSC Telecommuting Information

During COVID-19, the campus is not requiring employees to fill out a telecommuting agreement form.