Security Check for Google Drive

The information below will help you to review sharing settings for documents that might contain sensitive data.

First, sign in to your UCSC Google account.

Use Google's searching tips for Drive to look for documents whose settings you wish to check. You can search by owner, document name, document type, words or phrases within the document, who the document is shared with, and more.

From your Drive search results, you can select the file or folder you want to check. To select multiple files or folders, hold the Control or Command key when you are making your selection. To select a range of files or folders, hold the Shift key.

After selecting the files or folders to check, do a right-mouse click, then select Share

At the bottom of the "Share with others" window, click Advanced to see all the people and groups who have access.

Click the "X" next to the name of any person or group you want to stop sharing with.

Remove any link sharing for documents that might contain sensitive data.