Google Storage Limits

The following storage limits for all UCSC Google accounts pertaining to Google Drive, Gmail, and Photos have been established based on a combination of an individual’s current storage usage and campus affiliation (faculty, staff, student, etc.).  

These limits were determined with careful consideration to help minimize the impact of Google's new storage model and to enable a smoother transition to managed quotas for our campus moving forward.  

Initial Storage Allocations

As ITS implements the new Google storage limits for the campus, allocations will be applied to existing UCSC Google accounts as follows:

  1. Users who currently fall within the default or expanded storage limits referenced in the tables below, will automatically be allocated storage limits that leave room for modest growth. Future increases up to the maximum expanded storage limits below can be requested as needed. These changes will be effective May 1, 2024.

    Example 1: Mark is a staff member using 7 GB of storage. Mark's initial allocation will be 20 GB.
    Example 2: Maria is a faculty member using 35 GB of storage. Maria's initial allocation will be 50 GB.

  2. Users who currently exceed the expanded storage limits will receive communication via email in May regarding the next steps.

Default Storage Limits

All new accounts will be allocated the following default storage limits.

Affiliation Default Storage Limit

Faculty, Emeriti, and Staff

20 GB per account

Undergraduate Students

10 GB per account

Graduate Students

10 GB per account


500 MB, email only

Sponsored Account Holders

20 GB per account

Those with multiple campus affiliations are assigned a storage limit based on their primary affiliation, which is set in the following order: faculty (including emeriti), staff, students, sponsored accounts, alumni.

Learn more about managing your Google storage.

View Google storage FAQs.

Expanded Storage Limits

Faculty, staff, and graduate students can request additional storage up to the campus-approved maximums listed below. Sponsored account holders will require a business-need exception submitted by the account sponsor.  

Request more storage by filling out a support ticket. 


Affiliation Expanded Storage Limit

Faculty, Emeriti, and Staff 

Up to 150 GB per account

Undergraduate Students


Graduate Students 

Up to 50 GB per account



Sponsored Account Holders

Sponsor can request a business need exception