Standard Kiosk Computer
ITS offers the service of setting up restricted use and/or public access computers on campus.
What Is a Standard Kiosk?
Shared computers or computers made available for public use that may require certain restrictions placed on users or have changes made by users cleared after usage.
What types of Kiosks are available?
- Lockdown Kiosk: Restrict access to certain websites, files, or applications
- Purchase: $35 - Required
- Supported OS: Windows Only
- Additional Software: This options requires that we install an application called Winselect to lockdown the kiosk
- Steady-State Kiosk: Create public/guest user account that erases data created by the user after their session is complete
- Purchase: None
- Supported OS: Windows and Mac OS X
- Lockdown + Steady-State Kiosk: Use both options
- Purchase: $35 - Required
- Supported OS: Windows Only
- Additional Software: This options requires that we install an application called Winselect to lockdown the kiosk
How to request a Kiosk setup
Submit a ticket in SlugHub.
Service: My Computer
System/Application: Desktop(University Owned)
Title: Kiosk Setup:[with basic description]
Please include how many computers will be set up as kiosks and which programs/sites should be allowed. You will be contacted for a consultation with ITS staff to document your requirements.
How to purchase software(if required)
This Winselect software can be ordered using the ITS Software Order Form.
How to get support
Setting up a standard kiosk computer includes identifying a primary contact who is authorized to request changes to the computer. We will work with the primary contact if the kiosk needs changes or troubleshooting during initial setup.
Submit a ticket in SlugHub.
Service: My Computer
System/Application: Desktop(University Owned)
Title: Issue with Kiosk Setup:[with basic description of problems]
Please include the issues you are experiencing. You will be contacted for a consultation with ITS staff to document your requirements.