Canvas Accommodations

Ways to accommodate students in Canvas

At times, you may be asked to provide an accommodation for a student. Common requests might include:

  • Extending a due date.
  • Allowing extra attempts on a quiz.
  • Providing different ways to help understand the material.

Canvas offers built-in options for making these changes.

  • Moderating a quiz - Allows instructors to make adjustments to some quiz settings for the selected students
  • Differentiated assignments  -  This option allows instructors to select individual students in the Assign To section of the assignment settings to give students a different due date and availability period for an assignment OR to assign an assignment to individual selected students.
  • And/Or Module option - This option will allow instructors to create modules where students to choose their own path of assessments

Link to Canvas Accessibility Page.

Link to the Canvas Community Accesssibility Group.

Link on how to use the Accessibility Checker in Canvas. 

Link to Canvas Voluntary Product Accessibility Template information.