Classroom Media

Attend a Classroom Media Orientation Thursday, March 27 from 2:30 to 4pm in HUM 206

Select a classroom to view installed media information:

Features common to all general assignment classrooms:

  • Data projection
  • Wireless Projection
  • Laptop HDMI connection
  • Wired network connection
  • DVD player
  • Document camera 
  • Lecture Capture 

Please report any classroom equipment problems as soon as possible.

To report a problem, email or call the phone number posted on the classroom media cabinet. For all other requests, email or call 459-5858. 

Classroom media access codes are emailed to all listed instructors approximately 2 weeks before the start of classes, with additional updates sent before the beginning of the quarter. The system is not able to send emails for courses where the instructor is listed as “Staff”. If you have not received your code by two days before the start of the quarter, please see the Classroom Media Access Code Instructions or contact the Classroom Technology team.

All general assignment classrooms are equipped with Lecture Capture for recording the instructor’s voice, projector stream, and optional view of the front of the room. To schedule automated recording of your class, visit the Lecture Capture page.