Information User Overview


The Information User (IU) funding model allocates the cost of some central IT infrastructure and some broadly used IT services to campus units based on an FTE assessment of defined information user populations with associated weightings.

Background information on the original effort and drivers behind the implementation of this model are detailed below. In addition, links to key historical documents are also listed below.

Services that are funded by the IU assessment must meet the following criteria:

  • Service is provided by ITS
  • Population of the users is broad and campuswide
  • Service provides a basic level of network and telecommunications connectivity or another basic IT service that supports productivity or minimizes risk
  • Service level agreements are established and costs are discernible and allocable
  • Services included should not undermine campus's ability to diversify resources

All services listed in ITS's service catalog are reviewed and determined to be eligible or ineligible for Information User funding. This matrix can be viewed here: (Word)

The Information User model defines the following categories of users (and associated weightings):

  • Information User non-student payroll FTE - 100% - This population pays the full IU assessment and includes most faculty and staff who typically use basic network and phone connectivity services as part of their normal job duties.
  • Other Information User non-student payroll - 30% - This population pays 30% of the full IU assessment and includes those FTE who do not consistently use basic network and phone connectivity services as part of their normal job duties (e.g., custodians and food service workers).   
  • Graduate major count - 50% - This population pays 50% of the full IU assessment. 
  • Residential student headcount – 24.5% - This population pays 24.5% of the full IU assessment and includes students living on campus in a dorm or apartment.
  • For questions about the weightings, please contact Paul Scalisi in BAP (

For fiscal year 2024-25, the Information User assessment per weighted FTE will be $1705/year.

Given the broad nature of the criteria used to determine whether a service is eligible to be funded by the IU assessment and ongoing evolution of IT services, what IU funds has changed slightly since its initial implementation.

For the 2024-25 fiscal year, the IU assessment fully or partially funds the following services:

  • Network and Wireless
  • Telephone
  • IT Security and Policy
  • Accounts
  • Standard Desktop Support
  • Web
  • Data Center
  • E-mail and Calendaring
  • Physical Security
  • Zoom Conferencing
  • For any questions about the services funded by the IU assessment, please contact Laura Persson in ITS. 

Background on IU Model

In 2007, then-Executive Vice Chancellor/Campus Provost (EVC/CP) Dave Kliger charged a group (known as the Funding Model Advisory Group (FMAG)) with creating a funding model for universally required IT services and infrastructure based on a "user-based" metric.  

The implementation of the IU funding model allowed the campus to move away from the antiquated port/jack and line-based charging metric.  Additionally, the IU model was intended to:

  • Institutionalize the principle that all units benefit to some extent from the central IT infrastructure and must share in its cost
  • Provide a rational basis for funding increases for the campus investment in shared IT services
  • Reduce security risk of new network devices (hubs, routers, unsecured wireless networks)
  • Move from the current port/line/jack charge model to a FTE-based metric (IU model)
  • Increase the number of services provided in a single unit (user) charge
  • Prepare for cost recovery in an increasingly wireless communication environment

History of Annual IU Assessments:

  • 2008-09: $1286/IU/Year
  • 2009-10: $1286/IU/Year
  • 2010-11: $1286/IU/Year
  • 2011-12: $1286/IU/Year
  • 2012-13: $1333/IU/Year
  • 2013-14: $1333/IU/Year
  • 2014-15: $1397/IU/Year
  • 2015-16: $1397/IU/Year
  • 2016-17: $1459/IU/Year
  • 2017-18: $1505/IU/Year
  • 2018-19: $1505/IU/Year
  • 2019-20: $1548/IU/Year
  • 2020-21: $1609/IU/Year
  • 2021-22: $1663/IU/Year (per employee FTE, non-student); $2343/IU/Year (per residential student FTE)
  • 2022-23: $1705/IU/Year
  • 2023-24: $1705/IU/Year
  • 2024-25: $1705/IU/Year

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Do we need to submit a request to add network and telephone jacks?

Yes.  Submit an IT Service Request for changing or adding to telephone and network services. ITS staff provide service changes through recharge rates.

Q. Who shall I contact regarding Information User questions?


Q: Do we need to disconnect unused or unwanted telephone or network jacks even though there are no ongoing charges for keeping them active due to the Information User Assessment?

 Yes; keep your unit's services up-to-date for the following two reasons:
  1. Capacity: equipment supporting communications networks has limited capacity. Disconnecting unwanted and unused services benefits the university by allowing operating efficiently now and preventing higher costs in the future, plus updating historic records whenever staff change locations or leave the university.
  2. Liability: units will be liable for charges incurred on telephones that are left active.  The latest FOAPAL assigned to the service will be billed for chargeable calls and service features.

Q: Do I still need to continue reviewing and sending in FOAPAL, units and/or subscriber names assigned to network and telephone jacks?

Yes.  These billing components need to be reviewed and maintained to ensure correct billing for chargeable services and to disconnect unwanted services.

Q: How does my division manage the annual Information User Assessment?

Contact your divisional business office (see list on this page).


Stephanie Moore; cc April Kerkes

Baskin School of Engineering

Eric Ormsby

Campus Provost/EVC Units

CBO Unit Support Group

Finance, Operations and Administration

Ryder Fletcher

Global Engagement

Ken Maranta


Katie Novak


Ada Popkey


Hiroko Acker; cc John Bono


Meg Lehr 

Research-VC Office

Kris Godley


Elisabeth Willoughby

Student Success

Carolyn Speers

UC Observatories

Crystal Roberts

Undergraduate Education

Haydee McAmis

University Extension/Silicon Valley Center

Marshall Crockett

University Advancement/UA

Anissa Truscott

Links to Key Historical Documents