Email Account Alias (Nickname)

The Google Email Alias (nickname) is an alternate email address associated with your UCSC Google email address. You can use it to send and receive email, but it doesn't change your CruzID. You still login with your CruzID and Gold password to access your UCSC Google email account, but you can send and receive email as the email alias address. It does not affect Google Calendar or any other Google Apps.

Request an Alias

When requesting a Google Email Alias, you may only have one email alias per CruzID account. You may use 3 to 32 characters for your email alias and the hyphen - , or the underscore _ , or the dot . are acceptable characters. Make sure that you chose an email alias in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy and UCSC Principles of Community, including promoting mutual respect and trust.

How to Use Your Email Alias

Once your request is complete and you receive your email alias, to learn how to use it click here and click on the 2nd link titled "I'm a Google Apps for Business user sending from a domain alias or email alias."

Once you've successfully added your email alias to your UCSC email account, you can send email from your address by choosing it in the "from field" when you compose an email.

If you would like your email alias to be the default for incoming and outgoing mail, go back to your email Settings> Accounts> and then click on "make default" which is located on the right of the email alias.

You will still use your CruzID account as your userid / username and your current CruzID Gold password to login to your Google Apps, but your email messages will now be from your address.

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