Digital Tools For Remote Instruction

March 16, 2020

To: UCSC Faculty

From: Vice Chancellor of Information Technology, Van Williams and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Herbie Lee

Here is information about recommended digital tools to use for remote instruction. For additional guidance about how to keep teaching during this unprecedented time, view the keep teaching website

Tools Recommended and Supported for Remote Instruction

Tools Supported but not Recommended for Remote Instruction

  • Google Gmail

  • Google Groups

  • Google Calendar

  • Google Hangouts/Meets

Self Supported Tools through Vendor Support Materials

  • Google Classroom

  • Google Tasks 

  • Qualtrics

remote assessment, Canvas is the recommended solution. ProctorU may also be considered.

Divisional and Departmental Solutions 

Individual departments and divisions maintain some specific instructional solutions. Refer to your ITS Divisional Liaison for guidance on divisional and departmental solutions. 

Before you Consider Other Solutions

If you are considering using a solution or an add-on that integrates with Google that is not mentioned above, please contact the ITS Support Center to ensure the solution complies with all requirements related to Information Security, FERPA and privacy of student information, security, and accessibility. See Click-through Services and Allowable Data Use for a summary of these issues and related resources. 

Also, solutions not sanctioned for instructional use by the campus or division/department, should not offer incentives to the student or have a cost to the student. 

If you have questions, please submit a SlugHub ticket at, or contact the ITS Support Center by email or telephone 459-HELP(4357).

Thank you.