Capital Projects: Phase A


Phase A provides for a secondary telecommunications hub at the base of the campus for greater service reliability.   At the request of the faculty who serve on the Campus Committee on Computing and Telecommunications, the Phase A scope has been revised to include wireless services in additional general assignment classrooms spaces.  Design for this work is underway, with a goal to complete as many classrooms as possible before the start of the Fall Quarter while still aligning with the overall Phase A construction schedule for cost efficiencies. Facilities served by Phase A include those buildings in the West Campus and Arboretum, served by ADFs at Oakes/College 8, Porter and West Science Hill buildings fed out of the Thimann Laboratories ADF.  Phase A will be implemented in five sub phases: Outside PlantSouth CoreTelephone Closet ConstructionBuilding WiringElectronics & Phone.

Phase A Buildings with Interior Construction

Science Hill West
7116 Thimann Laboratories
7117 Thimann Lecture Hall
7118 Thimann Receiving Building
7744 Sinsheimer Laboratories
7919 Physical Sciences Bldg *
7376 Kerr Hall
Westside Colleges and Arboretum 
7433 Arboretum 1/Office
7735 Arboretum Gift Shop
7434 Arboretum Horticulture 1
7734 Arboretum Horticulture 2
7766 College Eight Academic Bldg
7377 Kresge College Academic Bldg
7393 Kresge College Academic Bldg W. Wing
7807 Kresge College Annex Bldg A
7808 Kresge College Annex Bldg B
7379 Kresge College Assembly Bldg
7378 Kresge College Classroom Bldg
7380 Kresge College Library
7306 Porter College Academic
7474 Visual Arts Research Facility
7416 Oakes College Academic **
* Physical Sciences Bldg will be getting new inside cabling to support expanded wireless 
** Oakes Academic inside cabling and electronics were upgraded in Spring 2013. Voice over IP will be implemented there during the TIU project.

A list of buildings that are receiving new outside cabling can be found on the Outside Plant Construction page.