Special Events Support
Location & Contact
Phone: (831) 459-2117
149 Kerr Hall
Campus Mailstop: Learning Technologies Kerr Hall
The ITS department provides audio-visual support for both on and off-campus events.
Contact ITS Services to request service. Go to, open a support ticket, select the “Media & Events” category and “Special Events Support” sub-category. You can also call 459-2117.
ITS Services staff will call you back to confirm event details and whether staff is available on the date requested.
Event requests for equipment delivery or staffing require seven calendar days notice.
Support is provided on a recharge basis for all events (see Classroom Media for information about support of academic classes). A recharge account number, check or cash payment (exact change only) is required before staff or equipment will be assigned to an event.
Events may also use installed classroom equipment. Clients should reserve the classroom with the Registrar’s office first, then contact ITS Services to schedule use of the equipment and arrange payment.
SOAR (Student Organization Advising and Resources) clients must contact ITS Services at least 2 weeks in advance of any events to request a quote to submit to the SOAR office.
Services available for event support include sound amplification, computer and video projection, video or audio recording, telephone conferencing, videoconferencing and live or prerecorded video streaming over the internet and/or the campus cable TV system.