Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Apple released Mavericks (OS X 10.9) on October 22, 2013.
Mavericks has been tested with campus systems and is now supported by ITS.
Please review the list of software below with issues.
ITS recommends putting in a ticket to have your system upgraded.
This is to ensure that all user software is compatible and a backup is available.
Click this link to enter a ticket:
Here is a list of software and services used on campus that has known issues:
VPN - Cisco AnyConnect - need to use latest version - link here
Java - Mavericks does not come with Java, but can be installed separately. Java 7 is compatible - make sure any business systems you work on use this.
InfoView - the Report Editing mode is showing issues
Adobe Freehand, Illustrator CS5 & Lightroom - some incompatibilities
EndNote (Latest version X7 is compatible)
Filemaker 10 & 11 (more info)
Parallels 7
Old verisons of QuickSupport TeamViewer (verison 9 is compatible)
QuarkXpress 9.5
Some reports of issues with Epson Stylus Pro printers (SP7900, 9900 & 4880)
If you plan to purchase a new university-owned computer, please review the Standard Computers.
If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Support Center.